Meticulousness is their middle name! They live in the details and know how important a missed comma can be in a contract; they know every line of your contract like the back of their hand!
Meticulousness is their middle name! They live in the details and know how important a missed comma can be in a contract; they know every line of your contract like the back of their hand!
A contract administrator is the linchpin in managing your business agreements effectively. Without the right person in this role, contracts can become a source of confusion and risk, leading to potential legal and financial pitfalls. EST10 is a contract administrator recruitment agency here to find you a contract administrator whiz!
As one of the leading employment agencies in the country, we have the skills, experience and network to connect you to the professionals you need. We can provide you with the ideal candidate who brings precision and expertise to your contract management, ensuring the smooth execution of your business agreements.
The EST10 recruitment method
In our pursuit to find the ideal contract administrator for your team, we go beyond the resume. Our comprehensive screening and vetting approach focuses on spotting the right skills, values and personalities. We ask the critical questions that uncover the best fit for your organisation’s needs.
EST10 is your contract administrator employment agency that connects you with candidates who not only understand the intricacies of contract management but are also aligned with your company’s ethos. Reach out to us for more information.
The traditional recruitment process for a contract administrator involves sifting through a mountain of resumes, conducting endless interviews, and crossing fingers, hoping to strike gold. We’re here to change that!
At EST10, we’re all about delivering a concierge-style experience in the world of recruitment. Your contract administrator should be confident and capable of juggling skills, such as contract negotiations and amendments and streamlining communication between all involved parties. That’s why, beyond the usual skills and qualifications checklist, we dive deep into their values, personalities, and dreams. With access to a wide talent pool, the best consultants, and a knack for spotting talent, we have your best interest at heart!
The EST10 recruitment process
Our approach goes beyond the surface — we dive deep into understanding both our clients and candidates. We ask the right questions (even the tough ones) to unearth the bigger picture.
Our process is simple:
Can’t wait 5-10 days for your new hire? No problem! We can have a temporary candidate with you within hours, even for eleventh-hour requests.
Let’s Get Started
Looking to recruit a Contract Administrator?
Get in touch with our team to start your recruitment journey.
Or call us directly on 02 9002 0222
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