• Rediscover your gratitude. Dig deep and recall how you felt when you first started your job. Consider the positive experiences and benefits received; friendships, training and development, knowledge and experience acquired. This will help you have the right frame of mind to resign and work out your notice period with grace. Being grateful balances any angst you may feel towards your job and helps with a dignified and memorable, for the right reasons, exit!
• Once you are certain, don’t delay your resignation and don’t share it with anyone else at work. Procrastination when resigning is normal, and so is the desire to share. Your boss will appreciate as much notice as possible and confidential news like this is never contained. It always has a way of leaking out. It isn’t professional and puts you and the other person in an uncomfortable and compromised position. Bite the bullet and tell your boss first.
• Pick the right time. To receive full attention and the proper response, book an appointment with your boss. Sending a resignation via email with no precursor lacks consideration, even in our current time of remote working. No one likes to ‘break up’ this way!
• Write a thoughtful, not cursory resignation. Thank your boss for the opportunity and for what you have learnt. Even include some of the learnings for authenticity. Give the correct amount of notice, in accordance with your contract and don’t try to skim on this.
• Provide a fabulous handover. Consider writing notes with tips and offer to be contacted afterwards. Also, be 100% aware and conscious not to be passive-aggressive or to speak disparagingly about your boss or job–it will get back. It always does!
• It is estimated the average work tenure in Australia is 3 years and 4 months. With this in mind, you will leave your job multiple times during your life, so be wise and master how to break up with your boss/organisation gracefully and sensibly. Properly managing these situations will strengthen your work relationships and assure future employability.
• You never know what opportunities are around the corner. Have the door left wide open to be welcomed back. In addition, as you change jobs, so do your bosses and colleagues. It is not unusual in certain industries to find yourself working together again.
When it comes time to resign, your reputation is worth more than a few weeks of lacklustre performance or impulsive action. Be committed, dedicated and always employable. You owe it to yourself!
“I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.” ― George Burns