- Taylor Swift 2021–and shake it off!
- Stocktakes are happening everywhere right now. So, let’s stocktake your career. What has been your career highlight so far (consider why, how)? Where to from here, and what are the gaps in skills to get there? Write a career plan with goals for the year (yawn, I know…but it’s a map with navigation tools! Hello career Siri!). Without it, you may end up like Alice in Wonderland, asking the Cheshire Cat which road to take!
Alice: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”.
The Cheshire Cat: “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to”. Alice: “I don’t much care where”.
The Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go”.
Don’t be Alice! - Take a leap of faith! Thinking of changing jobs or careers? Then do it (maybe read my previous blog for some sage advice first😊)!
- Put yourself in the uncomfortable zone. It’s seriously good for you! It reveals the different sides of ourselves, pushes our limits and uncovers the depths yet to be experienced. It dissolves old habits and helps create new ones, keeping us fresh, relevant, and peaked!
- Consider temporary work. Temping is a great option if you are looking for a change but are not completely ready to commit. There is opportunity to learn, be across new industries and the best part–you only have to commit to the length of the assignment. So, if the industry, job, responsibilities are not for you, it’s all ok, you can try something else. There is an abundance of temporary jobs waiting for you!
- Pay attention to our older generation. Notice them as you go about your daily life. Find the time to hear wisdom, history and life lessons from those who have already travelled the road we are on. The world they keep in their memories is of the values, habits, and music that is all too soon disappearing. Catch it before it is gone!
- Read a book. I highly recommend Employable !! Seriously though, work on your employability; you are future-proofing yourself. If COVID-19 has shown us anything, it is how quickly our world can be turned upside down. Don’t be at the mercy of redundancies or downsizing- be in charge of your career destiny. We look to future proof ourselves through financial security; why not our employability?
- Prioritise what is important to you. If it’s family, friends, exercise, health etc., then make that work and fit as a priority in your life. Remember, where you direct and distribute your attention and time will be the only measure of what truly matters to you.
- Be that person who is ‘fantastic’ every day! When asked, ‘how you are today?’, say, ‘I’m fantastic’ and mean it. A very wise and beautiful soul taught me this. Try it and see. You might be surprised.
- Smell the roses. I do every time I am out walking with our MD (Managing Dog), Daisy. I lean into the gardens, pull the rose close and take a deep, voracious inhale. Bliss! Sometimes, some of the old ladies peak out of the window, to check if I am stealing their precious garden gifts. LOL! I give them a little wave. They are used to it now, and I think enjoy seeing a stranger appreciate and acknowledge their work.
- Every now and then (weekends, holidays), turn off social media, emails, texts etc. Enjoy the silence. The best, most innovative and creative ideas happen in the space of nothingness.
- Rethink all old habits and notions. Since the pandemic, the world has changed and so have the rules and how we perceive and make sense of our lives. Some long-established habits might not fit the new norms. Throw them away and create more relevant and healthier ones to help you make sense of the new reality and to succeed. Be flexible. It is a new ‘pink’.
- Make time for you every day. Whether you are a CEO, a mum, or a student, it doesn’t matter; we all need our own time and daily. This might be meditation, reading, walking the dog, exercise, cooking, whatever it is you can lose yourself in. Do it obsessively and guard it preciously!
- Take and accept responsibility. Be the person who says yes and then follows through. Put your hand up; it makes you a valuable and mature member at work and in society.
- If working from home or remotely, be ‘seen’.
- Take breaks this year! No more stockpiling annual leave. Breaks are necessary and keep us tuned!
- Upskill, learn something new to serve your growth and relevance.
- Accept the things you can’t change. We all know this saying, but there is enjoyment and gratification from embracing this truth. It provides a positive outlook instead of frustration and languishing.
- Take care of your mental health as much as your physical health. One of the most potent ways to do this is to connect with others and share love and kindness.
- Listen carefully. Master the art of listening, one of the crucial skills needed in life and for 2022. COVID-19, lockdowns, remote work and for some, the sense of isolation dominated last year. We crave to be heard. Listen carefully and patiently, create that sense of acknowledgment and learn more in the process, (after all, all our stories deserve to be heard).
- Be courageous. It’s ok to be afraid, but don’t let that impede you from realising your dreams. Evaluate the risk and be aware of self-sabotaging- sometimes it disguises itself as your ‘friend’. Ditch that ‘friend’ in 2022!
- Honour others. Honour all of those who help you stay safe. Whether that be family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, bosses and our incredible frontline workers, who reminded us all again, how unique and beautiful our country and our collective spirit is.
“New year is the glittering light to brighten the dream-lined pathway of future.” – Munia Khan