1. Dependable
Employers love this attribute! It means you can be relied upon, from the big to the small. Your employer trusts you to do your job; you are on time, meet deadlines and are accountable. It gives your boss peace of mind, and as an assistant, we know how valuable that is!
What about when the going gets tough? This is where the dependability attribute really kicks in. Be the employee your boss can come to for extra help, support and assistance. It might mean working extra hours and putting yourself out at times, but that’s how those strong working relationships between an executive and their assistant are formed. Being dependable like this equates to trust.
What example do you have to show your dependability?
2. Self-awareness
This quality goes beyond merely understanding how others perceive you- it’s about recognising the impact you have on them. There are many attributes needed for an assistant to be successful, however self-awareness is undoubtedly the most desirable.
It will help you to gauge the right timing, approach, when to push, and when to pull. It will also assist with corralling the executive team. Not everyone has strong self-awareness though. You can cultivate self-awareness by actively seeking feedback. See feedback as a gift and a window to view yourself as others do.
Where has your self-awareness assisted a challenging conversation or situation?
3. Forever learning
In today’s complex and fast-moving working world, curiosity and learning are as essential as oxygen. When you are curious, you investigate further and question assumptions – an essential quality to support fresh ideas and innovation. The pursuit of learning, the acquisition of knowledge and mastering new skills are crucial to being employable. Employers are crying out for this attribute from their assistants.
What example do you have where you sought out a new skill? Perhaps you taught yourself how to use a new piece of tech.
4. Interpersonal skills
How well do you relate to people? Employers love hiring assistants with this gift because building relationships improves the working environment and your manager’s life. Assistants with interpersonal skills are patient, listen intently and are great collaborators.
What example do you have of achieving a tough goal or task via networking or a workplace relationship?
5. Communication
Communication at a higher level correctly interprets situations, has empathy and reads the not-so-obvious cues and signals. If you are an assistant who seems to “read” your boss’s mind, it is likely to mean you are a great communicator, picking up on the silent messages, that they don’t even know they are sending. This is highly beneficial for negotiation and team dynamics.
Seeking employment can be daunting. Skills are a given, but to be ahead of the competition and shine at interview, employers are looking for more. It’s about how you show up, the attitude you bring, and the effort you put into your role.
If you want to know more, our MD, Roxanne Calder has written two books on this subject:
‘Employable- 7 Attributes to Assure Your Working Future’ find it here!
‘Earning Power: Breaking Barriers and Building Wealth for Women’ find it here!