In 2017, France introduced legislation on the right to disconnect from technology after working hours. Italy obliged the same year, and in 2018, Spain and Belgium followed suit.
Soon after came the pandemic. What we thought we wanted did an about-face.
Instead, we demanded the freedom to switch on and choose how, when and where we worked, believing it to be the magic antidote to achieving the ultimate wellbeing. And our working hours increased thanks to the rise of ‘teleworking’ and the use of information and communications technology (ICT) such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, has surged.
If you thought hybrid working was the mixture of office and home, think again. Hybrid is the combination of telework, whether at a cafe, on the bus, toilet, and working from the office.
Switching on and off seems a luxury of the past, with the freedom we so ardently sought embalming us more closely to work than ever before.