Which Comes First… Values Or Behaviour?

Posted On 10 Oct 2016

Which Comes First… Values Or Behaviour?

10 Oct 2016

Candidate Resource, Employer Resource, EST10 Team, News & Events, On The Job

Which Comes First... Values Or Behaviour?

We recently came across a Fortune article that highlighted 7 inspiring business value statements. From Twitter’s ‘power to the people’ mantra to Build-A-Bear Workshop’s “bear-isms”, we couldn’t help but be inspired by the standards businesses set for themselves. But this did get us thinking… Do company values define behaviour or does behaviour dictate values?

It’s the classic ‘which came first: the chicken or the egg’ dilemma!

At EST10, we believe that having a defined set of values is important. These values reflect our beliefs and the standards we set for ourselves, becoming a sort of contract which in many ways captures that which should but ultimately cannot be included in legal documentation. Our values both define and are defined by our behaviour and we wouldn’t have it any other way…



Integrity is at the heart of everything we do. Recruiting and acting with integrity means respecting your confidentiality, communicating honestly and forming relationships built on trust. We believe in the power of sincerity and delivering on our promises.


We believe in open, honest communication. We’re not the kind of agency that will tell you what we think you want to hear. We treat you with the respect you deserve, plus we’re in this for the long term so expect hear from us often!



Relationships are the foundation of our business. We look beyond the job brief and actually get to know you… how else can we be expected to communicate authentically about your company or personal brand.



Nothing brings us greater satisfaction than helping you find the ideal candidate for your role or the job of your dreams, so who better to represent you than someone who loves what they do! Nowhere in Sydney will you find a better cheer quad or brand ambassador!



At EST10, sitting still is not our strong suit! We are always moving forward and raising the bar. Plus, we get to work with some of the best candidates and most amazing clients… who wouldn’t be excited about that!?