Two Weeks In London…

Posted On 1 May 2018

Two Weeks In London…

1 May 2018
Two Weeks In London…

Two Weeks In London…

Our WHV Competition winner Ella Crowley shares experiences from her first two weeks in London…

After two weeks in London, many differences stand out precisely as I thought they would, like the cultural vibrancy and the urban rush of the city’s diverse people. Meanwhile, other things come as a total surprise, like how great British pubs are, or the way a sunny day in April can sweep a tangible buzz of contentment over the city.

Just a couple of weeks here and I already feel torn between two cities; witnessing people flock to the streets when the sun comes out reveals just how much we take the incredible weather back home for granted and I’m only just getting used to the thrill of being so connected to not only the whole city with its incredible transport links (I absolutely do not miss sitting in unrelenting Sydney traffic), but with Europe too.

My first Monday I came into work feeling incredibly fortunate to walk through the streets of China Town and buzzing Soho to eventually emerge in a large open plan office of warm welcomes

In the two short weeks since then I feel I’ve developed my professional skills tenfold and I’ve come to find the people to be just warm and welcoming as back home – laid back with a similar sense of humour. But beyond that satisfaction, the relief of having employment all organised in this unpredictable city has been completely invaluable, especially navigating the intertwining web of legalities and errands from visas to banking and rent. Having work already set up for me has made these processes totally manageable, whilst also allowing time for me to dive right into all the things I want to see and do.

I love all of London’s differences. They excite and inspire me whilst making me all the more fond of home. The decision to come here already cements itself as a worthy investment in myself, one that is undoubtedly set to deliver huge returns as the year bears on, especially with travel on the horizon and as I begin to build a network of friends and community here. Honestly, I’m curious to see what my version of London will be, as accounts of this unpredictable city vary greatly from person to person. It’s a place of immense opportunity but I’m realising more and more that you make it what you will, and I fully intend to work to make it all I wish it to be. I’m just hoping London has similar plans for me.