Now, to the ad copy. If using a job board, check with their analytics as to the best time to post in maximising your ads exposure and in gaining the best results. These times change and adjust to our changing circumstances.
For example, years ago, we could advertise on a Friday and have a great response over the weekend. That is no longer the case. Technology has changed our habits of accessing such information.
Typically, it is now via our mobiles, on the run, i.e. on the bus, at a café, at lunch etc., so consider your audience.
When writing your job advert, you need to be thinking; it is all about the candidates who are applying, i.e. how are they viewing what I am writing? At this stage, it is not about you and trying to match your personal preferences, likings and tastes. It is about opening up the talent pool, so you have ample candidates to choose from. And in my experience, applying such a strategy also provides access to ‘wildcard’ candidates who you may not have considered before. This is critical in a market continuing to be tight for talent (yes, even with COVID-19). For me, often, it is these ‘unassuming’ individuals that I fall in love with!
In making your advert sound great, it should include what is unique and appealing about the company and why people will be inspired. When talking about the actual job duties, think of the motivating, exciting and fulfilling parts, i.e. what adds meaning? To reiterate, ‘the advert’ needs to be all about, ‘what’s in it for them?’.
So, in short, your job advert, whilst needs to be on point with accuracy, it also needs to sound like the best in the world. Remember, you are competing with other job adverts!
Please check for spelling, grammar, and include appropriate language to support inclusivity and diversity. For more information on this, please go to the Diversity Council Australia website here.
The advert is a reflection of you, the business and brand, so it needs to be professional. In addition, I would not suggest having ‘applications close by date’. It is a little out of date and why would you wait two weeks if your standout candidate comes in on day one? If you do, be prepared to lose that gem candidate. While you are waiting for your ‘close by date’, they have been offered another opportunity (with your competitor?) and have likely started working ?.