Baby Boomers were raised in an environment where family and societal structures were the norm. Politeness, respect, and loyalty are the residual values and marry well with organisational expectations, needs and goals. Keeping the best of the “old” and incorporating it with our current assists in navigating the problematic maps of our present times.
Our Baby Boomers have weathered recessions, wars, political upheavals and worse. If you are a younger manager, executive, business owner, or anyone for that matter, why wouldn’t you seek counsel from previous experiences?
I am not a Baby Boomer. I am Gen X. Baby Boomers were my life, school, and work teachers. I have witnessed the patience, hard work, expertise, resilience, adaptability, acquired knowledge, and shared learnings of my parents, grandparents, teachers, previous bosses, and managers. How fortunate am I.
Originally published by