Yesterday marked the (official) debut of CBS’s hotly anticipated Supergirl, a series about, you guessed it, DC Comics’ Supergirl, a.k.a. Kara Zor-El a.k.a. Kara Danvers i.e. cousin to Superman a.k.a. Kal-El a.k.a. Clark Kent… gosh this alter ego business gets complicated!
But one thing decidedly less confounding is the fact that Kara Danvers is a life saver… just perhaps not for the reason you think.
Sure, she literally saves lives as Supergirl (and looks great while doing it!), but working as executive assistant to media mogul Cat Grant makes superhero work look easy!
Despite popular opinion, working as an EA is no easy job! Sure, it has its perks, and some duties are easier than others. But if you think an EA sits there and waits for the phone to ring all day, think again!
Today’s EAs take on executive roles and often sit in at board and strategy meetings – and not just to take notes! In fact, the modern day EA could be considered the executive’s right hand, sometimes being called upon and trusted to carry out managerial and operational duties in the absence of the executive.