The search for talent has become a hen’s teeth exercise. The process is exhausting and costly. Is it any wonder our hopes run high when presented with a slither of skills and a thimble of talent? Our mind’s cry is, ‘yes, that can work!’. The exhilaration of finally filling the vacancy, removing the pressure and stress and alleviating the workload is too much to resist. How quickly can they start?
Then you discover you hired the wrong person. The stress is back, and you are plagued with worry. Poor hiring decisions are not just issues in today’s workplace. Pre-pandemic and the skills squeeze, employers faced similar issues. In 2017, one survey found 74% of employers had made the wrong hire. It just feels more acute today. The ease to fill a vacancy is exponentially harder, and the repercussions more significant.
You followed all the expert advice, especially the ‘move with speed and compromise’. As an experienced recruiter, I believe these recommendations still stand. It is the parts in between that need finessing.