Q&A With Diana Anderson, Director At Anderson Hoare Recruitment Agency, London

Posted On 23 Aug 2019

Q&A With Diana Anderson, Director At Anderson Hoare Recruitment Agency, London

23 Aug 2019

London Calling, News & Events

Q&A With Diana Anderson, Director At Anderson Hoare Recruitment Agency, London

This week we sat down with Diana Anderson, Director of Anderson Hoare, a fabulous UK based recruitment agency that we have a strong affiliation with! Their boutique agency is located in central London and similar to EST10, they specialise in temporary and permanent office support roles. If you’re in the UK and are a company looking to recruit a new PA or EA or a candidate looking for a temporary or permanent administration role, Anderson Hoare has got you covered! Read about Diana’s tips for people working in recruitment and her thoughts on the future of recruitment.

Name Diana Anderson

Title Director

How long have you worked in recruitment? 33 years

What made you get into it? I’ve always loved matchmaking and finding out what makes people tick – therefore, recruitment seemed like the ideal job! It was the perfect way for me to indulge my natural curiosity for a useful purpose!

Why did you decide to open your own agency? I’d always wanted my own business, so starting up my own recruitment agency was my plan as soon as I started working. It was just a case of learning as much as I could before branching out on my own.

What do you enjoy most about recruitment, and what do you find most challenging? I love it when amazing placements happen; when you know that you have matched someone perfectly in a job, they will love and really excel in. The thing I find most challenging is difficult briefs. Ones that are really specific take longer to fill as fewer people fit the requirements. However, those ones are the most satisfying because they really stretch your skills as a consultant. You really have to think outside the box, remember everyone you’ve interviewed and get to the bottom of the job description to work out exactly what kind of person would work in the role. It’s challenging but totally worth it when a placement is made.

Do you have any tips for people working in the recruitment industry? Stay calm and keep smiling! Every day is different in this industry, and you’ll meet all kinds of people and come across a myriad of different situations. If you see everything as both a challenge and an opportunity, you’ll fare the waves far easier than if you panic or lose your sense of humour.

How do you see the future of recruitment? More tech definitely – we’re a small and nimble agency which is great as it means we can adapt to situations wherever needed. If you’re abroad we can use facetime or skype and we often use Instagram messenger and Whatsapp to talk to our candidates. However, nothing beats face to face, so wherever possible we will always try and meet in person, I don’t think the importance of that will ever change.

Whether you’re considering a move to London or know someone in London looking for work, we recommend that you get in touch with Anderson Hoare today!

EST10 interview Diana Anderson,
Director of Anderson Hoare