Personal branding. It is not just for celebrities and influencers. And at work, it is not reserved for CEOs, entrepreneurs, business leaders and executives. At first, personal branding emerged as a means of attaining career success in the context of more temporary employment systems and project-based work structures. But now, it is more than that.
The pandemic turned our working world upside down. It is a kaleidoscope of wants, desires, needs, and demands. Career progression, well-being, dreams, money, purpose, flexibility and much more. A desire for some or all of these? You need a strong personal brand. Even if you are not a ‘career’ person, it matters.
Add remote, hybrid and flexible working with less visibility and the challenges to be heard. Your personal brand gets you noticed and provides relevance and distinction. Personal branding is deliberate, defined, and controlled by you. How do you want to be seen and experienced by others? That is your brand at work, right there.
Here are 5 key ways to cultivate a great personal brand: