This week I found myself assisting Isabelle, our Marketing Manager, with preparations for our Wardrobe 101 event. The event, in its 7th year, invites all of our clients, candidates and close associates to a night of fashion and fun at David Jones Barangaroo. It gives the attendees insight into how to update your look with the assistance from fashion guru and author of Wardrobe 101. Dijanna Mulhearn. Dijanna has an incredible eye for style, having previously worked with Harper’s BAZAAR and Prada. My job was predominantly to prepare the gift bags that were handed out on the night. I prepared over 100 bags for the event, which proved quite the challenge to carry from the office to Barangaroo – a good 20-minute walk! Luckily, I had assistance, though to say the least, my cardio was complete for the week.
The event was a complete success! The incredible Dijanna took our guests through David Jones, assembling some impeccable looks. It was an invaluable experience that has inspired some gorgeous outfits in the office this week! Our guests were also offered the most scrumptious cupcakes and champagne – a match made in heaven!
Week 5
I’ve been here at EST10 for five weeks already. Time flies when you’re having fun! University is back in full swing this week, and my workload is conveniently heavier than it has been in previous semesters. Did I tell you, I also have a part-time job in hospitality? No rest for me! I am now so grateful for having an hour to get some work done while on the train to and from EST10. There really is no better time to fit in some lecture notes or some homework to pass the time! This would be my biggest tip for the week – use the commute to your advantage!
This week’s responsibilities have been more heavily marketing focused, which has been really interesting! It’s not solely about posting nice photos on Instagram or staying engaged on social media, it’s far more complex and involves analysing what others are saying about your brand, researching competitor’s engagement and maintaining a close relationship with your stakeholders down. Believe me, researching funny Monday memes on Pinterest is super fun, but so is assessing consumer engagement – an aspect of the job that I certainly didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I have!
Teya’s chosen photo of the week
Me enjoying the goodie bags and cupcakes at the fashion event!
Catch up soon!
Teya Storm
Marketing Intern, EST10