A humble brag is a seemingly modest or self-deprecating statement intended to draw attention to something you are actually proud of. Don’t get us wrong, there are times where the humble brag can come in handy. But if your response to “What is your biggest weakness?” is that you are ‘a workaholic’ or ‘a perfectionist’, the only thing you have achieved is demonstrating that you don’t take the opportunity for self-reflection seriously.
As much as we’d all like to deny it, everyone has weaknesses. And that’s okay, no one expects unwavering perfection. What an employer is looking for when asking this question is proof that you are self-aware. Consider discussing an area that you could improve upon or an area you are currently working on. Perhaps even mention what lead you to a past mistake and the steps you are taking to actively avoid repeating the same mistake. Anything that demonstrates introspection is far better than giving the impression that you’re infallible.
At the end of the day, you are going to make mistakes. What matters most is your ability to learn from them.