Women make up 47.2% of all employed people within Australia1, however, there are stark disparities between the nature of that employment. Did you know?
- 67.2% of all part-time employees are women1
- Average weekly earnings for a full-time position are 13.4% less than for men (this increases to 15% in non-public sector organisations)1
- More than one third of ASX200 boards sit at less than 30% women2
Representation of women in key leadership roles is also not as high, progress, although slow, is being made. We recently shared on our LinkedIn page ‘6 things we can learn from how women leaders have handled the pandemic’ highlighting the successful response of women leaders’ to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With 85% of our candidates and 70% of our clients being female, we champion women all year round and is something we wholeheartedly believe in. We have the perfect viewpoint to see all the incredible attributes, soft and hard skills and unique strengths. International Women’s Day provides an opportunity to shine a spotlight on celebrating women.