Employers love this attribute! It means you can be relied upon, no matter the task or occasion. Your employer trusts you to do your job; you are on time, meet deadlines and are accountable. It gives your boss peace of mind and in today’s environment, peace of mind is the equivalent of gold bullion.
And when the going gets tough, you don’t falter, quit or give up. This is when the dependability attribute really counts. We can all be dependable on a ‘good day’, but it is when there is a challenge that dependability truly kicks in. Be the employee your boss comes to for extra help, support and assistance. It might mean working additional hours and putting yourself out at times, but that’s how strong working relationships are formed. You need to be ‘in it together’.
At interviews–what example can you give where you worked through a tough time, didn’t give up and your boss could rely on you?