The more you enquire, the more there is to know.
Curiosity and learning go hand in hand, and learning is foremost in keeping transferable skills relevant. When curious, you investigate further, questioning assumptions and rethinking opinions that are potentially outdated – an essential quality to support fresh ideas and current needs in our changing work arena.
Curiosity accelerates your learning and acquisition of knowledge. The greater your understanding, the closer you become to being an expert. It also makes you more humble. The more you develop and increase your knowledge, the more you notice how much more you need to grow.
Striving for mastery and excellence takes you to the top of your field, holding a competitive advantage to become highly employable.
The new working environment of 2023 and of the future demands numerous adaptabilities. Fortunately, we have many transferable skills right at our fingertips.
They require constant development and awareness. It is not any skill or experience, but the right skills to lead you on the path towards career fulfilment, security and employability.
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