When we are not continually moving within that physical space, it seems we are losing our ability to find and meet our ‘tribe’. People we can relate to are not so easy to find; our network is increasing by numbers, but not necessarily by quality!
I, for one, mourn that a tad. I think we are losing something quite precious, that we will not be truly aware off until it is too late. And how to regain something that slips through your fingers? Will it be like losing the ‘ordeal’ of writing and posting a letter (oh the drag of it!), only to realise after, it is way too late to bring back. The immense joy and anticipation of receiving said letter from a loved one that you had waited DAYS to receive. Then, you madly write pages upon pages back, race to post it so they, in turn, can receive it in days. Or was that just me ??
An email doesn’t quite cut it the same way.
If we are not careful, this is what can happen to that precious and precarious thread of daily work and human interaction, we call our company culture.