High engagement! If you want to be an integral member of a team, SMES could be for you. You are needed, there is no other way to put it!
We rely on you and what comes with that is, responsibility, so know if you are not in that day, we are not only missing you but suffering!
Family. In a SME, it can feel more like a family dynamic. Admittedly, that might not be for everyone, but when times are tough, it really can make your day and week even! The genuine support, warmth and connection go a long way.
Teamwork. Celebrating everyone’s wins and collectively overcoming challenges. It sounds cliché I know, but it is true!
Relationships. You know your team members – their strengths, vulnerabilities, dreams, aspirations, family members, pets and even their quirks (Olivia doesn’t eat chocolate – weird I know, and Rachel insists on using Irish butter…who knew there was such a thing), right down to their favourite flavour donut! Birthdays, illnesses, blues, engagements, gains and losses, births, tragedies, marriages, new house, first day at school, they all matter.
Your colleague becomes someone invaluable – the witness of your journey. That is the what we call – empowerment!
Belly laughs. Laughing till you have tears. That is what happens when you know your team mates well and inside and out, nothing slips through. How can you not laugh with people who think Irish butter is the only way to eat? Plus, laughing is good for your health!