Does Size Really Matter?

Posted On 17 Feb 2021

Does Size Really Matter?

17 Feb 2021
Does Size Really Matter?

Candidate Resource, Employer Resource, News & Events

Does Size Really Matter?

When it comes to choosing which companies to work for, often the assumption is big is better. Large organisations are great, but small businesses can certainly hold their own. They are also a special place for a lot of people! Although I may be biased!

In the survey, we conducted last year (available here) you rated job security, work life balance and flexible working as the most important criteria for your place of employment. Unsurprisingly this has remained the top 3 in our latest survey (coming out soon!).

With these as your priorities, your decision making in choosing where to work next, needs to be on point. Be aware of your biases and assumptions and instead investigate all options, including our robust SME’s – often referred to as the ‘backbone of the Australian economy”.

These SMEs might be the ones to meet your needs, career dreams and more!

Not dissimilar to when house hunting; you look and look in the same suburb, and by fluke, you check out the suburb two neighbourhoods away…and discover your forever home. Two years later, happily ensconced in your local café, where everyone knows your name, you would not dream of living anywhere else.

To belong is everyone’s desire. It is a compelling human need, which is engraved in our soul and seeks fulfilment. Consider this seriously as you search for your next place of belonging.

If you are a job seeker, this blog is a must-read!

If you are a hiring manager in a small to medium-size business, we hope the below information can help with formulating your value proposition in attracting the right candidates for you.

What makes us, oops…… sorry, small to medium organisations so great?

The Love!

High engagement! If you want to be an integral member of a team, SMES could be for you. You are needed, there is no other way to put it!

We rely on you and what comes with that is, responsibility, so know if you are not in that day, we are not only missing you but suffering!

Family. In a SME, it can feel more like a family dynamic. Admittedly, that might not be for everyone, but when times are tough, it really can make your day and week even! The genuine support, warmth and connection go a long way.

Teamwork. Celebrating everyone’s wins and collectively overcoming challenges. It sounds cliché I know, but it is true!

Relationships. You know your team members – their strengths, vulnerabilities, dreams, aspirations, family members, pets and even their quirks (Olivia doesn’t eat chocolate – weird I know, and Rachel insists on using Irish butter…who knew there was such a thing), right down to their favourite flavour donut! Birthdays, illnesses, blues, engagements, gains and losses, births, tragedies, marriages, new house, first day at school, they all matter.

Your colleague becomes someone invaluable – the witness of your journey. That is the what we call – empowerment!

Belly laughs. Laughing till you have tears. That is what happens when you know your team mates well and inside and out, nothing slips through. How can you not laugh with people who think Irish butter is the only way to eat? Plus, laughing is good for your health!

Effort = results

Seeing the full meaning of your work!

It is rewarding. For us, that is matching dream candidates with a dream role. Every one of our team is likely to be involved in the placement.

It could be answering a candidate’s original phone call, loving their attitude, and mentioning that as an insight to the consultant as you transfer the call. Or simply ensuring the person was called back ASAP, everyone plays a vital part in our mission.

Your purpose. As an individual in a SME, your effort really makes a difference. You get to realise your ‘purpose’ and by doing so, answer the question of, ‘why we do what we do.’

The impact the business has on its customers and clients is highly visible with SMEs. You are also fortunate to witness the realties and vulnerabilities of business and see how your own contribution can make a significant difference – that sense of fulfilment we all search for.

Recognition. You may not take your work home with you, but trust me, you do take the ‘feeling’ of it with you. Whether that be on the bus trip home, or all the way up the driveway and into your home. It is part of being human. Let that feeling be one of ‘I feel great’ it will take you a long way!

Your Employability

I have spoken a lot about this recently, in fact, our book coming out soon is on this very topic of ‘employability’ (see previous blogs: The future of the administratorWorking outside your comfort zone and Are you employable?). The commonality in all these blogs is the critical need to be upskilling.

Your professional development. An administrator’s role requirements are expanding, and SMEs offer a wonderful place to acquire these skills and expand upon your existing skillset.

You can spread your wings. If you are proactive and show initiative, you will be given more, including promotions and career advancement. Often there is the perception of limited career opportunities in SME’s. I would challenge that assumption, as I witness the opposite. You actually receive special attention! Many a candidate we have placed have had their career soar by being taken under the MD, CEO or Entrepreneur’s wing. Opportunities abound!

Why?…without a large team to take on specific roles you will be involved in all different areas of the business – Marketing, Finance, HR, Recruitment, Sales.

Have an interest or skill you want to explore, but never had a chance to experience it before, then you might just get the opportunity to do so!

Developing your enterprise skills. This is one of the key skill sets needed by organisations now. When you are in an SME, by virtue of their size, you cannot help but develop these skills.

Access to talent. SMEs have some of Australia’s most talented business leaders. More often than not, you will have access to the MD, CEO or Entrepreneur heading up the organisation and have firsthand experience to the way they think, their decision making, ideas, values and leadership style. All this equals increased learning and development, motivation and inspiration for you.

In depth tailored training

The all-hands-on- deck approach gives rise to a multitude of learning opportunities on the job but what an SME can also offer is tailored training. At EST10, we have recently hired a new Consultant, and instead of a prescriptive induction process, our training is tailored to Amy’s learning style and the role.

The hands on, flexible and immersive training means a better experience for Amy. There are no days of watching endless PowerPoint presentations here ?. Plus – the employee who put together the tailored training program (thank you Olivia) was also exposed to a new way of working and upskilling herself at the same time.

Support small business

According to this OECD data, small and medium-size enterprises account for 99.8% of all enterprises and employ around 68% in private sector individuals.

If you are looking for a new role considering SMEs can open up a multitude of opportunities for you!

Big is beautiful, but small carries an extraordinary kind of power!

Bringing great people onto your team is about demonstrating that size really doesn’t matter – people do.”  – Jess Campbell 

About the Author

Roxanne Calder

As Founder and Managing Director at EST10, Roxanne has an all-encompassing role that includes building and growing the business, as well as actively recruiting and consulting.

After completing a Bachelor’s Degree at Monash University, Roxanne began her recruitment career with renowned recruiter Julia Ross. From there, Roxanne worked in HR and recruitment with a number of global players and boutique businesses throughout Australia, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong for over 20 years. She has been responsible for managing large teams and projects, implementing RPO models, managing and assisting businesses to an IPO and assisting companies in setting up their recruitment teams and processes.

Following completion of her MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management, Roxanne launched EST10 in July 2010. In doing so, she hoped to combine the flexibility and high touch service levels of boutique agencies with the structure and strategy afforded to larger firms. Roxanne believes in high-touch, high-care consulting and is always on the lookout for consultants that share this vision of recruitment.

About the author
Roxanne Calder
Managing Director

As Founder and Managing Director at EST10, Roxanne has an all-encompassing role that includes building and growing the business, as well as actively recruiting and consulting.

After completing a Bachelor’s Degree at Monash University, Roxanne began her recruitment career with renowned recruiter Julia Ross. From there, Roxanne worked in HR and recruitment with a number of global players and boutique businesses throughout Australia, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong for over 20 years. She has been responsible for managing large teams and projects, implementing RPO models, managing and assisting businesses to an IPO and assisting companies in setting up their recruitment teams and processes.

Following completion of her MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management, Roxanne launched EST10 in July 2010. In doing so, she hoped to combine the flexibility and high touch service levels of boutique agencies with the structure and strategy afforded to larger firms. Roxanne believes in high-touch, high-care consulting and is always on the lookout for consultants that share this vision of recruitment.

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