A Love Letter To Our Candidates…

Posted On 12 Feb 2016

A Love Letter To Our Candidates…

12 Feb 2016
A Love Letter To Our Candidates…

Candidate Resource, Employer Resource, EST10 Team

A Love Letter To Our Candidates…

When we meet an amazing candidate

We know we’ve found ‘the one’

That very special person

Who can never be outshone


But this isn’t just a moment

Meeting you was only the start

Anything but a long-term relationship

Will surely break our heart


We’ll sing your praises to our clients

Be your cheerleader, ambassador and more

Because anything less than finding your perfect match

Well… that would just be poor!

But I guess we should probably warn you

We can’t promise to be monogamous

You see, we fall in love with each and every one of you

Sorry… we can’t help but be honest!


So for those of you who’ve walked through our door

We’re so glad we had the chance to meet

And to those of you we don’t yet know

We can’t wait to be the recruiter that sweeps you off your feet