8 Reasons Why An Exceptional EA Is Every Executive’s Secret Weapon

Posted On 22 Jun 2016

8 Reasons Why An Exceptional EA Is Every Executive’s Secret Weapon

22 Jun 2016
8 Reasons Why An Exceptional EA Is Every Executive’s Secret Weapon

Candidate Resource, Employer Resource, News & Events, On The Job

8 Reasons Why An Exceptional EA Is Every Executive’s Secret Weapon

There is a universal truth acknowledged by each and every Executive; an exceptional EA is your secret weapon for success. You may be more than capable of handling your workload and organising your time, but an exceptional EA is so much more than a diary manager and an extra pair of hands. Here are eight ways an exceptional EA can help expand your capability and efficiency as an Executive… and be your secret weapon!

  1. Stay focused on your main priorities

Time is money. It is age old, but now more than ever, true. Every minute spent on something that can be outsourced to someone who is probably more efficient at that task is a minute that could have been better spent. By delegating to your highly competent EA, you can free up your time to focus on the main priorities, goals and bigger picture. Have you ever worked out your hourly rate? It may surprise you to know how much more efficient you could be!

  1. Complement your weaknesses

For many Executives, administration and the minutiae isn’t exactly a strong suit. Fortunately, this is exactly where your EA can step in, but have you ever considered that your EA may be able to help out with other areas too? For example, if creativity isn’t one of your strengths and this particular characteristic has recently become essential to your role, a creative EA can produce ideas and step in as an adviser and sounding board when you need them.

  1. Reduce your stress

By reducing your stress, you are freeing your mind and let’s face it, it is your mind that you are being employed for! Knowing your EA is handling all your meetings, emails and deadlines does more than declutter your desk, it declutters your head space. Juggling a million balls all at once is a necessary part of the role, but on an ongoing basis, it can be debilitating. Put your mind at ease, especially during busy periods, by having your EA stay one step ahead, streamlining everything you need to get your job done and anticipating potential problems before they arise.

  1. Extra accountability

An exceptional EA will help keep you accountable when it comes to deadlines and meetings that simply cannot be negotiated. This can be especially important for non-moveable or previously rescheduled meetings, ensuring that you not only make the meeting but helping you save face by saving you the embarrassment of inconveniencing an even more time-pressed superior or VIP.

  1. Never miss a thing

Your trusted EA can manage your workload while you are in meetings or out of the office; answering questions from colleagues, signing paperwork or making decisions on your behalf if authorized to do so. A great EA knows how you will respond and can quickly action time-sensitive issues. He or she can also step in and represent you at any meetings you can’t make, reporting back on what you missed. Knowing how you would handle a situation or think on a matter can take time, but is invaluable when it is all running smoothly. It is almost like having two of you!

  1. Ears and Eyes

An exceptional EA will go above and beyond their official job description to ensure you have everything at your disposal to make informed decisions and stay abreast of everything that’s happening in the office. I recently wrote about how an EA can be invaluable when it comes to taking note of the little details that you just cannot always be across, like the body language of those in your meetings; how were they really feeling about the message? This sort of information can be crucial to your business and success.

  1. A trustworthy ally

If you need assistance with a sensitive topic, your EA can be trusted to keep it to themselves. More than that, a strong EA will be your vault and have your back, someone you can trust. At a senior level, your role can be lonely; your EA is your support and cheer squad. They believe in you and know you, often better than your team, colleagues or peers. Don’t be afraid to show your true self, this is how the best secret weapon relationships are formed!

  1. Your PR agent

Your EA will let you know when it is someone’s birthday, anniversary or if there has been a family emergency, illness or death. They will draft the message, buy the present, but it is you that delivers the gift or message and acknowledges said event. It is these little things that go a long way in making a good executive a great executive. Indeed, a 2015 Gallup study revealed that while managers are responsible for day-to-day engagement, employee engagement is increasingly being driven by CEOs or senior executives. Your super EA will also act as your PR agent, spinning any potentially negative situations into positive ones, managing perceptions and ensuring that you are always seen in the best possible light.


So let your EA become your secret weapon, giving you a clear advantage over your competitors and advisories!  For advice on how to nurture this relationship, check out our latest blog post: ‘Finally found the perfect EA? Now to nurture your relationship…