I’ve witnessed the flinch; when women present with the same ardent belief, tone, and language as their male counterparts. So, is it any wonder, mid assertion, women swiftly change direction, reverting to ‘type’, softening the edge and ‘ask’, with a subtle kowtow, just to gain some ground, any ground? Perhaps, negotiations or any challenging business discussion should be conducted non-gender specific, anonymously, blindfolded and with voice distortion. Then we might have a better chance.
What is most disconcerting is that males and females share the same psychological refute. How can we allay blame at society, expecting the collective to take up the baton when absconding our own responsibilities? Ridding gender prejudice can’t be conditional or at our convenience.
For any women reading this, consider your own biases. Who are the authority figures in your life; who are your Doctor, Accountant, and other role models? The historical patriarchal workplaces have socialised employees into believing and consequently acting like women are less valuable based on power, privilege, and status. This is why we settle for less when negotiating.