With the emphasis on flexible work and our increasingly isolated workforce, connection has never been more important. Add technology, and you might be lured to believe our communication has improved. All the attachments, links, FYIs, CCs, and BCCs just move information around. For communication to be impactful, it requires emotion and color as well as clarity.
Enter workplace idioms, the beauty of crafting language for easily understood messages. These nonliteral expressions provide understanding, especially for concepts considered a cognitive challenge. The right expression and turn of phrase make comprehension effortless, bringing to life what you are trying to convey. The message hits home, loud and clear, with us all singing from the same hymn sheet. The light bulb or “aha” moment has occurred. That’s when you know you have hit the mark, reaching your audience.
Idioms have their place. Until they don’t. The lazy shift to depthless and even ego–driven messaging can leave us confused. Let’s welcome 2024 by leaving certain idioms behind.