- Optimism- leave negative Nancy behind and give yourself the gift of a blue skies view on situations and challenges.
- With that, mindset, it’s all in how you view what you are dealing with. Try a different perspective on life’s challenges.
- Or as the dearest person in the world used to always say to me always, when asked how they are- ‘I’m fantastic’. Be fantastic.
- So, don’t be a martyr. Not feeling so good, got caught in traffic, the rain or having a bad day, don’t pass your negativity or blame hood onto others.
- Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) on your current job and career choice and put in place plans and strategies.
- The time has never been better to take up opportunities at work. It may require effort from your end but that’s normal. It’s how we progress and develop.
- Conduct a skills audit on yourself. What needs upskilling and book the courses! Or present a business case to your boss on the training you would like.
- Consider ‘staying’ in your job this year. The grass isn’t always greener.
- Maybe it’s you? I know, I am only meant to say ‘nice things’, for fear of the universe and the world misinterpreting, rebuking, and cancelling me. BUT- I can only ever give the right advice and this is my advice from interviewing 1,000’s of people. It’s not always the ‘going nowhere’ job or horrible boss, sometimes and even often- it’s you!
- That being the case, have self-awareness and work on it- it’s the best virtue to have, from which all the others will be transformed.
- With that, don’t be afraid, have courage. It will take you to better places. That means embracing your fears and not letting them dictate your choices.
- To do so, get comfortable being uncomfortable. You get used to it, recognising the familiar, fight and flight and instead, you become calmer as you continue exploring the unknown.
- Be grateful. It helps us to be happy. Maybe even show gratitude to your company and colleagues.
- Be present. You need it to help with tip 10! You will start to see and read situations and people better, including yourself.
- A little less focus on self. I know we needed this in the last few years, but perhaps we could swing the pendulum back just a little the other way to consider others.
- Support local businesses. The coffee shop, grocer in your neighbourhood, they really need it!
- And in the same vein, support your local EST10 recruiter! We would love nothing better than to hear from you about all your temporary, contract and permanent jobs! No job is too tough for us- in fact, that is where we excel; when you are in a bind, the 13th hour, we love to take the stress away and turn it all around!
- More focus on health- have you booked in all those yearly check-ups? Listen to your body as well!
- Get quality sleep. It is part of good health and vitality.
- Be responsible for your own well-being.
- Bring back a sense of urgency. We talk about a lack of productivity- well here is one simple solution. What was that saying…’ never put off until tomorrow what you can do today’. Thank you, Benjamin Franklin.
- Please, I beg you, let’s banish ‘to be honest’ or ‘my bad’. Pretty sure no literary genius coined these phrases, especially the latter, non-noun one.
- Reduce mobile phone checking. Let’s not numb our brains with social media scrolling. Is it necessary when waiting for your coffee, bus, lift…
- Instead, smile at strangers and have eye contact- not in a weird way though!
“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year” – Vern Mclellan